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Drug Monographs

These drug monographs are taken with permission from the text: Paramedic & Emergency Pharmacology Guidelines, 2nd Edition, which is available for purchase as a spiral-bound, waterproof, tear-resistant, easily carried, hard-copy textbook from Pearson here: buy the book.


This book was developed collaboratively by 28 academic healthcare professionals working within 12 universities worldwide who teach paramedicine.



We would like to acknowledge the significant effort and teamwork that has contributed to our new second edition  This has included academics, paramedics and student researchers from 12 universities and multiple states, territories and islands across Australia, New Zealand and the UK


Primary author and editor

Sonja Maria


Contributing authors and editors

Marc Colbeck

Matt Caffey (first edition) James Crane (first edition)


Review team

Kylie Kendrick, Brian Sengstock, Ashley Denham, Kristina Maximous, Laura Triffett, Jennifer Stirling, Victoria McDonald, Kristy Shearer, Coen Ward, Lyle Brewster, Jonathon Sward, Andrew Hodgett, Samantha Ryan, Clare Sutton, Norm Wilkinson, Joelene Gott, Amanda Hlushak, Georgina Pickering, Craig Campbell, Yvette Adams, Matthew Ferris, George Clicquot, Rosie McEachern, Dale Gorry


Student research assistants

Chantelle Boon, Joseph Cotter, Benjamin Devine, David Eldershaw, Ryan Fiddock, Shaunna Francis, Ashley Horton, Alex Parent, Robert Potter, Margaret Renfrew, Nikki Rodriguez, Michaela Schiller, Brydee Stephenson, Samantha Yates



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